Cancer has become one of the leading causes of death all over the world and with today's team-like treatment system exercise shows it plays an important part in this medical team which helps prevent or manage cancer and improve overall quality of life. There is significant evidence that people who stay active throughout their lifespan have a reduced risk to developing cancer. This topic of the week will provide a summary on how exercise can contribute in tackling various cancer types and will include some basic recommendations to exercise in a safe manner.
**Remember that any exercise commencement needs to be supervised and cleared by your doctor.**
Common Causes:
- Tobacco use
- Heredity
- Age
- Impaired immune system functioning
- Exposure to UV radiation
- Exposure to viruses
- Diet and lack of physical activity
Common Cancers
Males: Lung, Prostate, ColorectalBenefits of Exercise:
- Reduce fatigue
- Reduced incidence of nausea and vomiting
- Improved functional capacity
- Improved self esteem
- Reduced risk of recurrence
- Reduce risk of other diseases
General Exercise Guidelines:
- Low-moderate level intensity (high level is also effective)
- Always have short breaks to assist with fatigue
- Train for 20-60 min 3-5 times a week
- Use large muscle groups that are functional such as sit to stand exercise
- Monitor blood pressure and heart before, during and after exercise
- Stop when feeling dizzy or with chest pains
- Avoid exercise if body exceeds 38 degrees
- Postpone exercise 24 hours after chemotherapy or blood withdrawals
- Avoid high impact activities if bone are weak and fragile
It is vital that before you commence any exercise program that you are cleared from your doctor and you are supervised with a specialized trainer to ensure safe practice is adhered to.